Essay about GE reflection to Compute Science

Revised April 15, 2019

General Education and Other Graduation Requirements – Fall 2019
AIMS – Achieving Integration & Mastering Skills

OC-Oral Communi cati on (A1)
WC-Wri tten Communi cati on (A2)
CT-Cri ti cal Thi nki ng (A3)
QR-Quantati ve Reas oni ng (A4)
“-co” = Co-Requi s i te
Theme Q-Qual i ty of Li fe
Theme R-Revol uti onary Ideas & Innovati ons
Theme S-Sus tai nabi l i ty & Jus ti ce
*Cours e can count for UDC or UDD but not both.

Area A: Foundational Skills
Take one course from each sub-area. Must be completed

with a grade of C- or higher
A1. Oral Communication (OC)
COMM 1008: Strat. for Publ i c Speaki ng
THTR 1009: The Art of Pres entati on
A2. Written Communication (WC)

ENGL 1109: Wri ti ng & Res earch
A3. Critical Thinking (CT)

Student must have completed Area A2
PHIL 1019: Cri ti cal Thi nki ng
PHIL 2019: Ethi cal Reas oni ng
SOC 1018: Contemp. Soci al Probl ems
SCI 1409: Intro to Sci enti fi c Thi nki ng
A4. Quantitative Reasoning (QR)
MATH 1009: Modern Math & Apps .
MATH 1209: Stats i n Modern Worl d
PSYCH 2018: Stat Methods for Res earch
SOC 2208: Intro to Stats for Res earch

Area B: Natural Sciences
Take one course from each sub-area.

B1. Physical Sciences Th.
CHEM 1009: CSI Chemi s try
CHEM 1019: Chem of Beer & Wi ne
CHEM 1029: The Chemi s try of Cooki ng
CHEM 1039: Nutr. & Food Toxi col ogy (QR-co) Q
GEOL 1009: How the Earth Works
GEOL 1209: The Dangerous Earth
PHYS 1609: Intro to As tronomy
B2. Life Sciences
BIOL 1009: Pers pecti ves i n Bi ol ogy
BIOL 1039: Pri nci pl es of Ecol ogy

American Institutions
Take one course in AI-Government

and one course in AI-History.

PLSI 1018: Am Govt & Pol i ti cs (CT)
PPA 2008: Am Govt & Pub. Admn (CT, WC)
HIST 1218: US Hi s t to 1877 (WC)
HIST 1228: US Hi s t s i nce 1865 (WC)

Area C: Arts and Humanities

Take one course from each sub-area.
C1. Arts Th.
ART 1009: Practi ce & App. Of Vi s ual Art (WC-co) R
ART 1019: Art i n Context
ART 2508: Art, Prehi s tory to 1400 (WC) R
ART 2608: Art, 1400 to Pres ent (WC) R
MUS 1019: Mus i c Appreci ati on
MUS 1039: Jazz Appreci ati on (WC-co) R
MUS 1049: Mus i c Gl obal Pers pecti ve (WC-co) Q
THTR 1008: Begi nni ng Acti ng [also SELF]
THTR 1019: Dyna mi c Le a de rs hi p through I mprov [also SELF]

THTR 1109: Intro to Theatre (WC) Q
C2. Humanities Th.
COMM/ENGL 2518: Intro to Fi l m Studi es
ENGL 1208: Intro to Li terature
ENGL 2208: Ameri can Li t Survey I (CT, WC) R
ENGL 2308: Bri ti s h Li t Survey I (WC) R
ENGL 2408: Intro to Worl d Li t (WC) S
HIST 1418: Worl d Hi s t Pt. 1 (WC-co) R
HIST 1428: Worl d Hi s t Pt. 2 (WC-co) R
PHIL 1119: Intro to Phi l os ophy
PHIL 1319: Cont. Moral Probl ems (CT) S
PHIL 2119: Great Phi l os ophi cal Ideas (CT) R
PHIL 2129: Phi l os ophy of Sel f & Human Nature (WC-co) Q
PHIL/INST 2329: Sexual Ethi cs [also SELF] Q
RS 1108: Jes us , Buddha, Moral Li fe (OC-co) S
RS 1118: Rel i gi on & Fi l m (OC-co) Q
RS 1128: A Hi s tory of God (WC-co) R
RS 1138: Dharma & Dao: As i an Rel i gi on (WC-co) R

Area D: Social and Behavioral Sciences Th.
Take two courses in different disciplines. Must have

completed Area A2 or concurrently in Area A2

ANTH 1109: Worl d Archaeol ogy
ANTH 1118: Intro to Archaeol ogy
ANTH 1318: Intro to Cul tural Anth
ANTH 2128: Prehi s tory of New Worl d
ANTH 2308: Nati ve Ppl of Ameri ca S
CRJU 1108: Intro to Cri mi nal Jus ti ce
ECON 1009: The Econ. Way of Thi nki ng
ECON 2018: Pri nc. Of Mi croeconomi cs
ECON 2028: Es s enti al s of Macroeconomi cs
ENGL 2608: Intro Language Study (WC) Q
PSYC 1018: Expl orati ons i n Ps ychol ogy
SOC 1008: Introducti on to Soci ol ogy

SELF: Student Enrichment & Lifelong Fulfillment Th.
Take a course that can double count in another area or a

stand-alone course.

BA 1008: Fundamental s of Bus i nes s
KINE 1018: Li feti me Fi tnes s
PHIL/INST 2329: Sexual Ethi cs [also C2] Q
PSYC 2648: Li vi ng the Green Li fe
PSYC 3318: Adul t-Chi l d Rel ati ons hi ps
PSYC 3648: Envi ronmental Ps ychol ogy
PSYC 4358: Pos i ti ve Ps ychol ogy (CT, OC) [also UDD] Q
THTR 1008: Begi nni ng Acti ng [also C1]
THTR 1019: Dynami c Leaders hi p through Improv [also C1]

SOC 2018: Sel f & Soci ety

First Year Seminar

Take two courses.
CSUB 1009: Semi nar I
CSUB 1019: Semi nar II
ECE/ENGR 1618: Intro to Engr I
ECE/ENGR 1628: Intro to Engr II

JYDR: Junior Year Diversity & Reflection
Take one course.

BA 3008: Di vers i ty i n Bus i nes s Org. (WC)
COMM 3088: Gender & Communi cati ons (WC, CT)
ECON 3008: Gender & Di v. i n Workpl ace (WC)
EDSP 3268: Peopl e w/ Di s abi l i ti es & Am. Educ. (WC)
EDTE 3308: Soci ocul tural Found. of Edu. (WC)
ENGL 3119: Adv. Wri ti ng (WC) [also GWAR]

HIST 3228: Ameri can Indi an Hi s tory (WC)
INST 3128: Gender & Sexual i ty (WC)
INST 3138: Ethni ci ty & Cul ture (WC)
KINE 3338: Woman, Sport, & Phys i cal Act. (WC)
PHIL 3548: Race, Cl as s , Gender, & Sexual i ty (WC)
PSYC 3638: Ps ych of Sexual Ori entati on (WC)
RS 3368: Women, Rel i gi on & Sexual i ty (WC)
SOC 3208: Di vers i ty & Res earch Ethi cs (WC)
THTR 3128: Intro to Contemporary Lati n Li t (WC)
THTR 3138: Women Pl aywri ghts (WC)

Revised April 15, 2019

Upper Division Area D Th.
ANTH 3308: Anth Through Fi l m (CT, WC) Q
ANTH 3318: Ppl s of Mexi co (CT, WC) S
BA 3108: Bus ., Govt, & Soc. (CT, OC) S
CRJU 3318: Wmn & CJ Sys tem (CT, WC) S
CRJU 3448: Drugs & Cri me (CT, WC) S
CRJU 3608: Gangs i n Ameri ca (CT, WC) Q
CRJU 4638: Vi cti ms & CJ Sys tem (CT, WC) S
ECON 3108: Econ of Heal th (CT, QR) Q
ECON 3118: Mi racl e Econ of Pac Ri m (CT, WC) R
ECON 3418: Energy Econ & Pol i cy (CT, OC) S
ECON 3508: Env Econ. (CT, QR) S
ECON 4108: Int. Econ. Dvl pmt. (CT, WC) S
ECON 4588: HR Economi cs (CT, QR) Q
ENGL 4648: Soci ol i ngui s ti cs (CT, WC) Q
KINE 3118: Epi demi ol ogy & Wel l nes s (CT, OC) Q
*PHI L/PSYC 3528: Pe rs onhood: Ri ghts & Re s pon. (WC, CT) S
PLSI 3248: Women & Pol i ti cs (CT, WC) Q
PLSI 3648: Food Pl cy & Pol i ti cs (CT, WC) S
PPA 3408: Pol i cy Networks (CT, WC, OC) S
PSYC 3248: Obs e rv. i n Studyi ng the Bra i n & Thi nki ng (CT, WC) R
PSYC 3658: Ps ych of Good & Evi l (CT, WC) S
PSYC 3678: Ppl , Ethi cs & other anml (CT, WC) R
PSYC 3688: Ppl & Anml Compani ons (CT, WC) Q
PSYC 4358: Pos i ti ve Ps ych (CT, OC) [also SELF] Q
SCI 3409: Stats of Inequal i ty (CT, QR) S
SOC 3008: Soci al Ps ych (CT, WC) Q
SOC 3408: Gender & Soc. (CT, WC) S
SOC 3658: Vi ol ence & Soci ety (CT, WC) Q
SOC 4038: Tech & Soci ety (CT, WC) R
SOC 4068: Ci vi l Ri ghts Mvmt (CT, WC) R

Upper Division Thematic courses

Take two courses (one course from each of the Areas outside of
the area represented by the student’s major).

Students must have completed at least 60 units and completed
or currently in JYDR before taking UDB, UDC, and UDD.

Upper Division Area B Th.
SCI 3009: Cal i Natural Hi s t (QR, WC) Q
SCI 3019: Rev Ideas i n Human Bi o (QR, OC) R
SCI 3109: The Sci ence of Food (QR, WC) Q
SCI 3119: Rev Ideas i n Chem (QR, WC) R
SCI 3129: Envrmt Chem & Sus t. (QR, OC) S
SCI 3319: Cal i Geol & Soci ety (QR, WC) R
SCI 3329: Water and the Wes t (QR, WC) S
SCI 3609: Intro to Modern Cos mos (QR, WC) R
SCI 3639: Intro to Weather Dynami cs (CT, QR) S
Upper Division Area C Th.
ART 3618: Revol uti onary Art of the 19th Century (CT, WC) R
ART 3648: Hi s t of Photography (CT, WC) R
COMM 3048: Art of Fi l m (CT, WC) R
COMM 3058: Intercul t. Comm (CT, WC) S
COMM 3068: Fi l m & Soci ety (CT, WC) Q
COMM 3078: Mas s Medi a & Soci ety (CT, WC) R
COMM 3098: Innovati ons i n Fi l m (CT, WC) R
ENGL 3248: Ethni c Li t (CT, WC) Q
ENGL 3268: Wri ti ng Nature (CT, WC) S
ENGL 3518: Fi l m Studi es (CT, WC) Q
ENGL 4708: Studi es i n Genre (CT, WC) R
HIST 3258: The Ameri can Envi ronment (CT, WC) S
HIST 4638: Bui l di ng an Empi re (CT, WC) R
MUS 3019: Mus i cal Drama (CT, WC) Q
MUS 3039: Am Mus i cal Li fe (CT, WC) Q
PHIL 3118: Phi l i n Li t and Fi l m (CT, WC) Q
PHIL 3258: Exi s tenti al i s m(CT, WC) Q
PHIL 3268: Marxi s m (CT, OC) R
PHIL 3318: Prof Ethi cs (CT, WC) Q
PHIL 3338: Bus i nes s Ethi cs (CT, WC) S
PHIL 3358: Phi l , Tech, & Our Future (CT, WC) R
PHIL 3368: Envrmt Ethi cs (CT, WC) S
PHIL/PLSI 3418: Phi l os ophy of Decomcracy (CT, WC) Q
*PHI L/PSYC 3528: Pe rs onhood: Ri ghts & Re s pon. (WC, CT) S
RS 3208: Expl orati ons i n Scri pture (CT, WC) R
RS 3518: Ameri can Dream (CT, WC) R
RS 3528: Hol ocaus t & Impl . (CT, WC) S
RS 3538: Rel i gi on & Human Ri ghts (CT, WC) R
RS 3548: Spi ri tual Ques t (CT, WC) Q
RS 4518: The Meani ng of Death (CT, WC) Q
RS 4528: Comp. Rel i gi ous Ethi cs (CT, WC) S
THTR 3108: Anti qui ty to Rebi rth (CT, OC) Q
THTR 3118: Res torati on to Experi mentati on (CT, OC) Q

GWAR: Graduate Writing Assessment Requirement
Junior or higher and completion of A2. Requirement may be

satisfied by exam or one of the following courses.
COMM 3008: Tech & Rpt Wri ti ng (WC)
ENGL 3109: Modes of Wri ti ng (WC)
ENGL 3119: Adv Wri ti ng (WC) [also JYDR]
ENGL 3128: Wri ti ng Li t Anal ys i s (WC)
HIST 3008: Hi s t Wri ti ng (WC)
PPA 4038: Publ i c Pol i cy Proces s (WC, CT)

Capstone Th.
Student must complete at least 90 units and 2 of the following areas
(UDB, UDC, UDD). The departments below offer Capstone as part of
their senior seminar. Students whose department is not listed may

choose any of the following 1-unit courses below.

APS 4908: Seni or Semi nar (OC)
ART 4058: Seni or Semi nar (OC)

ART 4908: Seni or Art Hi s tory Thes i s (OC)
BA 4908: Bus i nes s Caps tone (OC)
CAFS 4900: Seni or Semi nar (OC)

CHEM 4908: Seni or Semi nar for CHEM (OC)
CHEM 4948: Seni or Semi nar for BIOCHEM (OC)
CMPS 4928: Seni or Proj ect II (OC)
COMM 4908: Seni or Semi nar (OC)
CSUB 4919 (OC) Q
CSUB 4929 (OC) R
CSUB 4939 (OC) S
ECE 4928: Seni or Proj ect II (OC)
ECON 4908: Seni or Proj ect (OC) [also SELF]

ENGL 4908: Seni or Semi nar (OC, WC)
ENGL 4918: Seni or Semi nar for Pros pecti ve Teachers (OC)
ERM 4908: Seni or Proj ect (OC) [also SELF]

GEOL 4908: Seni or Fi el d Semi nar (OC)
GST 4909: Career Readi nes s (OC)
HIST 4908: Seni or Semi nar (OC)
INST 4908: Seni or Semi nar (OC)
KINE 4868: Interns hi p i n Ki nes i ol ogy (OC)
LBST 4908: Caps tone (OC)
MATH 4908: Seni or Semi nar (OC)
MUSI 4908: Seni or Semi nar (OC)
NURS 4908: Leaders hi p i n Nurs i ng (OC)
NURS 4918: Leaders hi p i n Nurs i ng (OC)
PHIL 4908: Seni or Semi nar (OC)
PPA 4908: Seni or Semi nar (OC)
THTR 4908: Seni or Semi nar (OC)
SOC 4988: Seni or Semi nar (OC)
SPAN 4908: Seni or Semi nar (OC)

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