
Strength Deployment Inventory® : Interpretive Guide

M A N A g E C o N f l i C T A N d i M p r o v E r E l A T i o N S h i p S
by Elias H. Porter, Ph.D.

S T r E N g T h . . . The Strength Deployment Inventory® (SDI®) helps people identify their personal strengths in relating to others under two conditions: 1) when everything is going well, and 2) when they are faced with conflict.

d E p l o y M E N T . . . means to move strategically or to take a position for effective action. The SDI suggests ways that one’s personal strengths may be used to improve relationships with others.

iNvENTory…The SDI is not a test where judgments and “right” or “wrong” answers are graded. It is an inventory for taking stock of motivational values (the basis for how you feel and act in different situations). It is a self-discovery tool.
Using the SDI Interpretive Guide
You have received this SDI Interpretive Guide because you completed the online version of the Strength Deployment Inventory. You will also be provided with your own results.
Understanding Your SDI Results
The point values you chose while completing the online SDI result in six nu- merical totals. These totals are used to generate an arrow which represents your Motivational Value System and Conflict Sequence.
The Dot
The dot indicates the Motivational Value System—motives and values that drive behavior when things are going well. The Valued Relating Style is
the behavior associated with a Motivational Value System. See the pages titled “The 7 Motivational Value Systems” and “Points of Comparison Between Patterns of Motivation” for descriptive information.
The Arrowhead
The arrowhead indicates the Conflict Sequence—changes in moti-
vation in conflict that drive changes in behavior in conflict. See pages titled “Your Conflict Sequence” and “Conflict Sequences” for descriptive information.

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© Copyright 1973, 2006 by Personal Strengths Publishing. All rights reserved in the U.S. and worldwide. This inventory or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of Personal Strengths Publishing.
The 7 Motivational Value SystemsTM
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SDI Interpretive Guide Page 2 of 7

Motivational Value System

Valued Relating Style

Rewarding Environment

Blue: Altruistic–Nurturing

Being open and responsive to the needs of others… Seeking ways to bring help to others… Trying to make life easier for others… Trying to avoid being a burden to others… Ensuring others reach their potential… Ensuring others are valued… Defending the rights of others

Open, friendly, helpful, considerate, supportive, enhancing, trusting, socially sensitive, sincere, loyal, compassionate, respectful, humanitarian… Being needed… Being appreciated

• Concern for the protection, growth, and welfare of others

Red: Assertive–Directing

Competing for authority, responsibility
and positions of leadership… Exercising persuasion… Being alert to opportunity… Claiming the right to earned rewards… Striving for immediate action… Accepting challenges… Accepting risk-taking as necessary and desirable… Demonstrating competitiveness

Progressive, innovative, evocative, challenging, fast-moving, stimulating, competitive, creative… New levels of opportunity… Potential for personal advancement and development… Personal material rewards available… Potential for winning… Verbally stimulating… Self-projection


Concern for task accomplishment


Concern for organization
of people, time, money and any other resources to achieve desired results


Green: Analytic–Autonomizing

Being objective… Being right… Being principled… Being in control of one’s emotions… Being practical… Being cautious and thorough… Being fair… Being resolute… Being serious… Being their own “judge and jury”… Being their “own person”… Thinking things through before acting

Clarity, logic, precision, utility, durability, efficiency, reliability, organized… Self-reliance, individualism, self-dependence… Effective use of resources… Individual decision making… Clear, supportable, authentic criteria for decision making… Time to explore options… Opportunity for economy… Researched recommendations


Concern for assurance that things have been properly thought out


Concern for meaningful being established and maintained


Hub: Flexible–Cohering

Being curious about what others think and feel… Being open minded and willing to adapt… Experiments with different ways of acting… Proud to be a “member”… Likes to know a lot of people… Likes to be known by a lot of people… Likes to be known as flexible

Friendly, involving, sociable, democratic, playful, changing, flexible… Encouraging interaction… Being heard and listening… Sensitivity to feelings… Consensus-building


Concern for flexibility


Concern for the welfare of the group


Concern for the members of the group and for belonging in the group


Red-Blue: Assertive–Nurturing

• Concern for the protection, growth, and welfare of others through task accomplishment and leadership

Actively seeking opportunities to help others… Persuading others to ensure maximum growth and development of others… Being open to proposals for creating welfare and security for others… Creating enthusiasm and support in tackling obstacles to success

Openness, mentoring, enthusiastic, friendliness, sincerity, trust, compassion… Respect for others… Supporting the underdog… Positive, progressive initiatives for the growth and development of others

Red-Green: Judicious–Competing

• Concern for intelligent assertiveness, justice, leadership, , and fairness in competition

Providing rational leadership that can assess risks and opportunities… Being decisive and proactive when all the facts are in… Challenging opposition through thoughtful process and strategy

Strategic, determined, planning… Complex, challenging tasks requiring expertise… Environment that offers recognition for achievement… Availability of technical resources… Opportunities to lead and to develop winning strategies

Blue-Green: Cautious–Supporting

Concern for affirming and developing self-sufficiency in self and others


Concern for thoughtful helpfulness with regard for justice


Building effective processes and resources to protect or enhance welfare of others… Offering assistance for greater self-sufficiency and independence… Supporting activities that lead to growth… Fighting for principles that are fair

Conscientious, patient, congenial… Environment that respects individuals, fairness, and resources… Opportunities to encourage growth, independence, and bring forth the best in others… Tasks that require thoughtful analysis to aid those in need

© Copyright 1973, 2006 by Personal Strengths Publishing. All rights reserved in the U.S. and worldwide. This inventory or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of Personal Strengths Publishing.
Points of Comparison Between Patterns of Motivation SDI Interpretive Guide Page 3 of 7

Motivational Value System

You feel best about what you are doing when you are . . .

You feel most rewarded by others when they treat you as a . . .

You identify with and feel most at ease with people who . . .

Blue: Altruistic–Nurturing

being helpful in some way to others who can genuinely benefit from your help.

warm and friendly person who wants to
be of help and who is deserving of thanks and appreciation for
giving help.

clearly care for the feelings, the needs, and the welfare
of others.

Red: Assertive–Directing

in the position of providing leadership and are able to set the goals for and direct the actions of others.

strong and ambitious person, a winner, and one who is deserving of the opportunity to provide leadership and direction.

clearly understand the productivity behind the exercise of power, control, and competition.

Green: Analytic–Autonomizing

able to pursue your own interests in a self-reliant way without having to take direction or help from those around you.

clear, logical and analytic person who
is deserving of respect for dealing with others fairly and for being
a person of principle.

clearly respect the integrity of others and the rights of others to determine their own courses of action.

Hub: Flexible–Cohering

able to coordinate your efforts with others in some common under- taking that involves closeness, clear lines of authority, and opportu- nity for self-reliance.

good team member who knows how to be a loyal follower, knows how to exercise authority, and knows when to follow the rules and when to use judgment.

clearly are flexible
in their behavior and readily able to adapt to whatever the situation calls for.

Red-Blue: Assertive–Nurturing

in a position to be genuinely helpful through your leadership, and are able to direct others for their own benefit.

strong and friendly person deserving
of recognition and appreciation, and the opportunity to lead others for their betterment.

clearly understand the compassionate use of power, and the need to act promptly in matters affecting other people’s welfare.

Red-Green: Judicious–Competing

in a position to
compete using your own judgment, and to direct others in an impartial and efficient manner.

strong and principled person, deserving of recognition and respect, and the opportunity to provide competitive and rational leadership.

clearly understand the rational use of power, and the need to act promptly and judiciously in matters affecting your competitive edge.

Blue-Green: Cautious–Supporting

able to nurture the growth of another person’s self-reliance through your analysis of their needs.

warm and principled person who combines compassion and intellect into enlightened guidance for others.

clearly understand
the employment of both feelings and reason to better the welfare and independence of others.

© Copyright 1973, 2006 by Personal Strengths Publishing. All rights reserved in the U.S. and worldwide. This inventory or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of Personal Strengths Publishing.
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SDI Interpretive Guide Page 4 of 7

You are attracted to and intrigued by others who are . . .

Ideally, you would like to be . . .

Ideally, you would like to avoid ever being . . .

You feel distant from and somewhat contemptuous of people who . . .

You feel discomfort from people who . . .

strong and know ex- actly what they want to do and want you to be included in their activities and successes.

more assertive and less fearful of pushing for your own rights and wants; more ca- pable of saying “No” to people who impose on you.

a selfish person or one who is cold and unfeeling about others.

constantly compete with and try to take advantage of others; are cold and unresponsive to gestures of friendliness.

treat you with anger and hostility, tell you to “go mind your own business,” or are slow to recognize your efforts to promote their welfare.

generous and responsive to you and who want to help you achieve your ambitions and your successes.

more considerate of other people’s feelings and rights; more given to thinking things through before committing yourself to a course of action.

a gullible person or a person who is indecisive and unable to act.

constantly lose out and don’t stand up
for themselves; have a shell of reserve around them that you just can’t penetrate.

are all-forgiving and never fight back; don’t let you know what they expect as rewards from you and then withdraw their loyalty or
betray you.

open and explicit about what they want and how they feel, without imposing their wants or feelings on you.

more trusting of others and more open to them; less reserved about asserting your rights and wishes.

an overly emotional person or one who is exploitative
of others.

never seem to take anything seriously; try to push their help on you or try to push you to do things their way.

accuse you of being opportunistic and unprincipled; push their help on you when you don’t want it.

generous in their help; who are strong and want you on their team; who are quite patient and don’t lose their heads.

a well-rounded person capable of complete flexibility in behavior.

subservient to others, domineering over others, and/or isolated from others.

are outsiders and who reject membership in your group’s efforts or withhold support for your group’s efforts.

commit themselves
to the group effort and then let the group down by failing to live up to their commitments.

strong and decisive and know exactly what they want to do, and who ask for your support without imposing
on you.

more contemplative and analytical in your decisions and more tenacious and prudent in pursuing your goals.

exploitative or inconsiderate of others or brazen and superficial in your interpersonal relations.

refuse to get involved; fear making a deci- sion; are concerned with their needs to the exclusion
of the needs of others.

treat you with indifference; ignore you; accuse you of exploiting people.

supportive and loyal to you and who will help you, without hesitation or qualification, to attain success.

more trusting and helpful with others and more open about your goals.

an impulsive or emotional person, or one without and purpose in your life.

constantly lose out; lack self-reliance; are impetuous; are gullible and emotional.

treat you with passivity or with ignorance, or accuse you of mindless aggression.

thoughtful and respectful of you and your goals and who are cautious and thorough in whatever they undertake on your behalf.

more assertive about your wants and more decisive about your actions.

isolated from others, or indecisive in matters affecting their welfare.

are braggarts and meddlers, and who presume upon and compete with others.

treat you with anger or disdain, or accuse you of fostering childlike dependence.

© Copyright 1973, 2006 by Personal Strengths Publishing. All rights reserved in the U.S. and worldwide. This inventory or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of Personal Strengths Publishing.


Your Conflict SequenceTM
Your Conflict Sequence sequence indicates changes in motivation and related behavior when faced with conflict and opposition. There are thirteen possible Conflict Sequences based on the of the conflict totals.
The letters “B,” “R,” and “G” are shown in the of your last three SDI result totals from highest to lowest. If any of your totals are six points or less apart, brackets are placed around those letters as in the example to
the right.
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SDI Interpretive Guide Page 5 of 7
Your Conflict Sequence is a predictable and sequential change in motivation when faced with conflict or opposition. Conflict has three progressively serious stages and can be resolved at any point during the sequence. Letters within brackets suggests that your response during the bracketed stages can be blended or interchangeable.
Your Conflict Sequence can also be determined by the location of your “arrowhead” on the triangle.
Preventing Conflict
Much of the interpersonal conflict people experience on a daily basis is preventable.
While preventing conflict takes work, avoiding or ignoring conflict can cause damage to your relationships. Awareness of your own Motivational Value System and how it may differ from others is crucial to your ability to prevent conflict. When you deliberately relate to people in a way that respects their motivations, you increase the chance that conflict will be prevented.
Preventable conflict may be generated by overdoing one of your strengths. The table on the page titled “Managing Your Strengths” lists some strengths and the way they may appear when overdone. You will also find “things to be on guard against” which suggests some strategies for conflict prevention.

Conflict Stage

Focus is on:




Stage 1

Self Problem Other

Simply being accommodating to the needs of others.

Simply rising to the challenge being offered.

Simply being prudently cautious.

Stage 2

Self Problem Other

Giving in and letting the opposition have its way.

Having to fight off the opposition.

Trying to escape from the opposition.

Stage 3


Problem Other

Having been completely defeated.

Having to fight for one’s life.

Having to retreat completely.

© Copyright 1973, 2006 by Personal Strengths Publishing. All rights reserved in the U.S. and worldwide. This inventory or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of Personal Strengths Publishing.
40 R
Conflict Sequences
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a person who first pursues peace and harmony, and who continues to accommodate the opposition. If pressed far enough, they fall back on logically based and/or assertive strategies to preserve their integrity and to prevent complete defeat.

a person who wants most to keep harmony and good will. If this does
not work, they try to disengage and save what can be saved. If this does not work, they then come out fighting, probably in an explosive manner.

a person who will strive to maintain peace and harmony yet with a careful eye toward the personal cost of doing so. If these efforts fail, they will finally fight for their rights, but only as a last resort and possibly explosively.

a person who first meets conflict with caution, examining the situation care- fully and logically and waiting for all the facts to come in before making any commitments. If this does not work and there is no important principle involved, they would defer to the other person in the interest of harmony. If the conflict continues, they would come out fighting, but only as a last resort.

a person who will press assertively for the maintenance of harmony and good will. If these efforts fail, they will eventually withdraw from
the situation.

a person who first meets conflict head-on with a strong self-assertion and challenge
to the opposition. If this does not work, they then initiate efforts to restore and maintain harmony. If this does not
end the conflict, they then withdraw as a last resort.

a person who is quick to assert their rights and to fight for them, but, if pressed far enough, they will either give in for the moment or break off contact, whichever is deemed the more advantageous.

a person who tries to maintain peace and harmony first and foremost. If this does not work, they then stand
up for their rights. If this does not end the conflict, they then withdraw as a last resort.

a person who comes out competing to prevail.
If competition and challenge don’t work, they fall back on analysis, logic, reason and rules. If this doesn’t work, they will finally give in as a last resort.

a person who meets conflict, not directly, but with a set of strategies for dealing with the situation. They “use their head to get their way.” If pressed far enough, however, they finally give in and surrender.

a person who meets conflict and opposition quite flexibly, that is, with an approach that differs according to the situation and circumstances rather than by a fixed sequence. This may prove to be confusing to others and they may experience the person as unpredictable.

a person who takes an
initial stand in opposition to conflict on the basis of logic, , rules and principles. If pressed far enough, they will take one or the other of two paths: if it is important, they will take up the fight;
if it is unimportant, they will give in.

a person who first tries the analytic, logical and reserved response to conflict followed by an assertive, forceful attack based on logic and strategies. If these approaches do not work, they then give in for the sake of harmony but only as a last resort.

Conflict Stage




Stage 1

Accommodate others

Rise to the challenge

Be prudently cautious

Stage 2

Surrender conditionally

Fight to win

Pull back and analyze

Stage 3

Surrender completely

Fight for survival


© Copyright 1973, 2005 by Personal Strengths Publishing. All rights reserved in the U.S. and worldwide. This inventory or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of Personal Strengths Publishing.
Managing Your Strengths

Blue: Altruistic–Nurturing
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Characteristic Strength:

If Overdone Can Become…















Red: Assertive–Directing


o Wanting so much to maintain harmony that I don’t push for what I want
o Being so quick to believe in others that I don’t use good judgment
o Being so loyal to others that I let them take advantage of me
o Expecting that everyone is going to be as concerned about how other people feel as I do o Wanting to help others so much that I push my help on them and get in their way
o Being quick to blame myself first for anything that goes wrong
o Sharing my thoughts and feelings with people I shouldn’t trust with them
o Fearing that if I said what I really feel about others, they would be hurt and not helped o Struggling to maintain harmony at the expense of facing issues or of facing the facts
o Acting to please others just to be likeable


o Wanting so much to win that I step on others to get my own way
o Being in such a hurry to get things done that I disregard how others feel about things
o Being so sure I am right that I don’t listen to other people
o Expecting that everyone is going to enjoy competing with me and pushing for what they want o Wanting others to do things my way so much I become dictatorial
o Being quick to blame anything that goes wrong on a lack of cooperation
o Sharing only those thoughts and feelings that help me get my own way
o Fearing that if I said what I really feel, others would know how to take advantage of me
o Struggling to win an issue regardless of what the facts are or what other people might feel
o Acting to direct others just to exert my authority


o Wanting so much to be certain that I delay in reaching decisions
o Being so concerned with what is right or wrong that I don’t pay attention to people’s feelings
o Being so cautious that I find it hard to place trust in others
o Expecting that everyone is going to be as concerned as I am with details, logic, and matters of principle
o Being so self-dependent that I cut myself off from people who like me and can be helpful o Being quick to blame anything that goes wrong on my not having been cautious enough o Keeping my thoughts and feelings to myself so others don’t get to know me
o Fearing that if I said what I really feel, others would see me as illogical and emotional
o Struggling with the facts and issues with such determination that others’ feelings are disregarded o Acting to turn others away just to assert my self-dependence

o Wanting so much to be flexible that I am sometimes inconsistent
o Being so open-minded that I lose sight of what I really think
o Needing to be with others so much that I find it hard to be alone
o Expecting that everyone is going to be as concerned as I am with being a good team member o Wanting to “fit in” so much that I impress others as having no real convictions
o Being quick to blame anything that goes wrong on a lack of team work
o Accepting other people’s thoughts and feelings in place of my own
o Fearing that if I said what I really feel, others would see me as being rigid
o Struggling so hard to keep my options open I never take a clear line of action
o Acting to disagree with others just to show there are many ways to do things

Characteristic Strength:

If Overdone Can Become…









Quick to act




Risk taker


Green: Analytic–Autonomizing

Characteristic Strength:

If Overdone Can Become…








Nit picking







Hub: Flexible–Cohering

Characteristic Strength:

If Overdone Can Become…


Wishy washy

Open to change



Unable to stand alone







Looks for options

Without any focus

© Copyright 1973, 2006 by Personal Strengths Publishing. All rights reserved in the U.S. and worldwide. This inventory or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of Personal Strengths Publishing.

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